Advocacy Toolkit

Advocating for Connecticut Agriculture in Local Communities –
A Tool Kit for Connecticut Farmers
The increase in consumer demand for locally produced food and products, along with concern for food security, provides an opportunity for Connecticut farmers. Producing quality farm products is just part of the challenge. Farmers must also advocate in their communities for regulations, ordinances and tax reduction programs that help promote agricultural sustainability. The following fact sheets can be viewed and/or downloaded to provide farmers with the resources and information they need to advocate for local agriculture in their communities.
Tax Programs
Tax Reduction Programs for Connecticut Farmers – A Summary
Additional $250,000 Exemption for Farm Machinery
Additional $100,000 Exemption for Farm Machinery – A Municipal Option
Model Ordinance for Additional $100,000 Exemption for Farm Machinery
Farm Building Tax Exemption – A Municipal Option
Model Ordinance for Farm Building Exemption
Listing of Towns that Offer the Farm Building Exemption
PA 490 Connecticut’s Land Use Value Assessment Law
Property Tax Abatement – A Municipal Option
Farm to Market
Baking, Cooking, Processing and Pickling Produce from Your Farm Kitchen
Processing Jams, Jellies and Acidified Foods in the Farm Kitchen
Municipal Regulations
Plan of Conservation and Development
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